Historical Foundations
Brushy Fork Baptist Church was founded in 1818 by six believers. They started meeting in the home of the Ellis family and these six members soon built their first church building not far from where the church stands now. The church has built and met in several different buildings throughout the years — the current church building being built in 1951.
Brushy Fork Baptist Church enjoys a strong heritage of baptist beliefs. This church was built and continues in the belief that God is the creator of a good universe. It was man’s (Adam and Eve’s) choice to disobey God that brought about the need for a curse upon this world. However, God responded with mercy and grace instead of judgment. God sent his own Son, Jesus Christ, to be a man and live a perfect life, so that he could die in our place. Through the substitutionary death of Jesus Christ man has the ability to gain a restored relationship with Christ. One must only place their faith in Christ, which is manifested through the actions of trust and obedience to Christ. Simply put, Brushy Fork Baptist Church believes that Jesus Christ is the savior of the world and all of life depends upon him. We believe that faith in Christ is a personal decision that cannot be coerced. We can only share the message of the hope that can be found through a relationship with Christ.
If you are searching for meaning and truth in your life, then we encourage you to come and hear the message of the gospel. If you are searching for a church home, then we encourage you to come and worship with us during one of our weekly services. Come and see what God is up to at Brushy Fork Baptist Church.