Announcements for this week:
1. Vacation Bible School starts today at 6 PM. Invite a youngster from 3yrs to completed 6th grade. We ask that all workers please arrive at 5:30 tonight to help register the kids. You can also preregister online using our Preregistration Form just click the link.
2. No Wednesday Night Bible Study this week due to VBS. Pray for the workers and children attending VBS.
3. Please be praying for Chris, Tammy, Hope, Elizabeth, Courtney, and Andrew as they prepare to go to youth camp July 14 in Panama City Beach, Florida.
4. We will not have KidStrong this June and July due to camps, vacations, holidays, and various other scheduling interferences. The evenings we would have it are greatly outnumbered by the evenings we would be canceling. Therefore, for ease of remembering we will not have KidStrong for the next two months. We plan to start back up in August.
5. Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser will be June 20th from 7:30 – 10:00 am. The proceeds from the breakfast will go to Mike McCarty.
6. The church bylaws committee will be meeting June 24 at 6 PM.